Wednesday 2 January 2013

Resolutions of a Crazy Lady

So here I am, I am back again and not writing the blog that I intended to write..... but that is me I guess. I have the attention span of a goldfish...... mmmmmm algae.......
Anyhoo! I came on here yesterday because I have been asked to do a Photo Tutorial for some friends and just cannot work out how to do that? So i figured I would blog about my resolutions because there would clearly not be enough of those on the internet would there?
No, I think I am the first to have come up with this astounding idea for a blog... this is why I don't really do them. Regardless, it will keep me honest if I have put it out here and released it to the world of the internet, so I shall set those slippery, flighty, ever changing suckers of ideas fondly named resolutions and see how I go with sticking with them. If I don't learn how to photo blog, my next post may be letting you guys know if I stuck to them!

So, you would think I would have prepared my thoughts in advance, but I actually had a really tame NYE and didn't even bother to make any, so I will make them up right now on the spot!

Number One. STAY QUIT.
I quit smoking in 2012, I plan to stick with that. Being that I am still a social smoker on occasion and my husband is a dreadful enabler, this has been a difficult thing to stick with! The balance in social smoking and being a full blown smoker is this. You can't have friends. Just don't have any friends and you will not be tempted to smoke with or around them. So, this is why I am doing well. No friends. CHECK!  :P

(Yeah, we don't need to number these) Being that I have no friends I am quite the sentimental twit, I like to put way too much emotion in to objects and I get all nostalgic about odd things. I am not one of those hoarders on tv that have dead cats lying around in piles of newspapers, but I want to streamline my house and make it easier to clean. I know this is a thrilling post by now and I could probably sell this blog for millions as a sleeping aid. No stuff! CHECK!

Well, I am halfway there already! I am getting rid of all the chemicals in my house and for my body, I gave up deoderent in 2012 too, being that I can't spell it, I should probably not use it. There are links to Alzheimers and a rise breast cancer  from using that crap and apparently most estoragenic and a hormone disrupter also among other things. It increases the production of estrogen which is the bitchy female hormone from hell, it can increase your risk of cancer, make you an asshole and makes you fat. Stick that in your armpit and smoke it. Cheers, but no thanks! SO, I will stink for 2013.Stink it up! CHECK!

But not full time. I just want to keep fostering. My hubby complains of the full on-ness of the constant kitten brigade traipsing through our home. But just quietly, he loves it and is much better at it than me. I don't do well sitting still and cuddling for long periods because of my goldfish brain so he is the cuddle section of the foster home for taming of feral and unfriendly kittens. I plan to keep it up but NOT adopt any this year. No more pets for us. We are just temping. NO MORE PETS. I recently adopted a tree. I think I will adopt more trees.Cat trees! CHECK!

Dooooo more of that! Growing food is fun, I just hate weeding :S I need to focus on getting over that because the weeds look a bit shite and tend to kill things. Damn you weeeeeeeeeds! I can't use chemical control, so I may have to do some work... Dirty nails. CHECK!

I'll leave it there, my Goldfish brain is resisting finishing this because it wants to go swimming, gardening and go and play with a kitten. I want to learn to crochet cool animal hats and lose weight which I am in the process of, my smurf tshirt fit yesterday much to my delight! SO the low down is I will be wearing cartoons and animal heads on my head (crochet ones)with dirt under my nails and a cat on my shoulder. I will stink and have no friends but my house will be free of clutter? Sounds fun!

Bring on 2013! I shall be the crazy cat lady off the Simpsons this year.Now to work out this photo tute....

Monday 9 July 2012

The Lazy Way

My first blog! How exciting! Another outlet for me to happily babble all my inner thoughts and conflicts into written form, to share with the world. Hehehe!
So...... you would think that I would have made the effort at least to plan out what I was going to write... but no, that is not generally my style? I'm too lazy for planning. So instead I will use today's blog to introduce myself a bit and describe what I would LIKE for this blog to be about. You never know? It may turn in to something else.

My whole life I have wanted to learn crafts. I have spent the last 10 years (at least), begging my Mum (and various other people) to teach me to knit, to no avail. I was taught the basic pearl and knit stitches about 11-12 years ago but I had no idea how to cast off or do anything with my new found talent, so I just made many unfinished unusable scarves that never were worn or finished because I did not know how to cast off :( I shall dub these "My never ending scarvesesesesesss". I gave up and have since forgotten how to even make one of those.

Today I am 28. I taught myself to sew this year, by doing that I now have started running a tutu skirt business from home. I am now selling in a shop!
I got my first sewing machine in May, and I was too scared to use it for a week... now, in July, I make money with it. :D

So, my mission is to keep learning! Spend this year learning how to make all the things that I always wanted to be taught how to do. I have the Internet! I have a world full of teachers just waiting to tell me how to make things! I really like recycling and up-cycling and I have discovered a lot of the "rules" for sewing/crafts don't necessarily need to be followed to complete a task. I am inherently lazy and  like to make things easy for myself, I figure I can do that for other people too?

So, if you are new to craft. Want need ideas to play with, or want to see which of my tasks I fail or succeed in. Stay tuned, for there shall be many (hopefully more of the success) I have little to no experience with most craft activities. I do read blogs, watch YouTube and read books, I then go away for a few night,weeks, months and think about how I can make all those ideas work for me. I will link wherever possible if I am trying out someone else's idea.

Happy Crafting!